Collabora Office 24.04 Help
智慧標籤提供 Writer 文件中的指定字詞之其他資訊與功能。可用的功能會隨不同的智慧標籤擴充軟體而異。
智慧標籤可做為 Collabora Office Writer 的擴充軟體提供。
Save the *.oxt-extension file to your hard drive, then double-click the *.oxt file in your file manager. Alternatively, in Collabora Office choose Add and browse to the file.
to open the Extensions dialog, click按一下網頁上的智慧標籤 *.oxt 檔案連結,然後使用預設應用程式開啟連結。此功能需要正確配置的 Web 瀏覽器配合。
Any text in a Writer document can be marked with a Smart Tag, by default a magenta colored underline. You can change the color in
.When you point to a Smart Tag, a tip help informs you to Shift+F10.
-click to open the Smart Tags menu. If you don't use a mouse, position the cursor inside the marked text and open the context menu by在「智慧標籤」功能表中可看見為此「智慧標籤」所定義的可用動作。請從功能表選擇一個選項。[智慧標籤] 頁面。
指令會開啟 [工具] - [自動校正選項] 的When you have installed at least one Smart Tags extension, you see the Smart Tags page in . Use this dialog to enable or disable Smart Tags and to manage the installed tags.