
Collabora Office 使用頁面樣式指定頁面的版式,其中包括頁面方向、背景、邊距、頁首、頁尾以及文字欄。若要變更文件中個別頁面的版式,您必須為此頁面建立並採用自訂頁面樣式。


  1. Choose View - Styles.

  2. 按一下 [頁面樣式] 圖示。

  3. 在頁面樣式清單中的某個項目上按一下滑鼠右鍵,並選擇 [新增]

  4. [統籌概覽]標籤上,於[名稱]方塊中鍵入名稱。

  5. 執行以下操作之一:

  1. 使用此對話方塊中的標籤,設定用於此頁面樣式的版式選項,然後按一下[確定]


  1. 在您要對其採用此頁面樣式的頁面中按一下。

  2. Do one of the following:

To Manually Override the “Next style” of a Page Style

  1. Place cursor between the page with the page style and the page with the style specified in Next style.

  2. Right-click and choose Edit Page Break.

  3. Select the With page style checkbox.

  4. Enter the page style to be applied.

See Manually Defined Range of a Page style.


A special situation arises when a Next style is different than the page style itself, and you want to apply that page style to two consecutive pages. For example, if you have applied First Page style to a page, and want to apply First Page style again to the immediately following page, then you must manually override First Page style, because it is configured to be followed by Default Page Style.


  1. 在文件中您要開始新頁的位置按一下。

  2. Choose Insert - More Breaks - Manual Break.

  3. 選取 [分頁]

  4. In the Page Style box, select the page style that you want to apply to the page that follows the manual break.

  5. 按一下[確定]

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