Collabora Office 24.04 Help
Converts the text to a table using tabs as column markers.
Converts the text to a table using semi-colons (;) as column markers.
Converts the text to a table using paragraphs as column markers.
Converts the text to a table using the character that you type in the box as a column marker.
Type the character that you want to use as a column marker.
Creates columns of equal width, regardless of the position of the column marker.
開啟 [自動格式] 對話方塊,您可於此處選取表格預先定義的版面配置。
Formats the first row of the new table as a heading.
Repeats the table header on each page that the table spans.
重複前 n 列為頁首。
Does not divide the table across pages.
Adds a border to the table and the table cells.