Collabora Office 24.04 Help
Sets the properties of the section.
Type a name for the new section. By default, Collabora Office automatically assigns the name "Section X" to new sections, where X is a consecutive number.
Inserts the contents of another document or section from another document in the current section.
Creates a DDE link. Select this check box, and then enter the DDE command that you want to use. The DDE option is only available if the Link check box is selected.
DDE 指令的一般語法是:"<Server> <Topic> <Item>",在此處 Server 是包含資料的應用程式的 DDE 名稱。Topic 是指 Item 的位置 (通常是檔案名稱),而 Item 表示實際物件。
For example, to insert a section named "Section1" from a Collabora Office text document abc.odt as a DDE link, use the command: "soffice x:\abc.odt Section1". To insert the contents of the first cell from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file called "abc.xls", use the command: "excel x:\[abc.xls]Sheet1 z1s1". You can also copy the elements that you want to insert as a DDE link, and then Edit - Paste Special. You can then view the DDE command for the link, by selecting the contents and choosing Edit - Fields.
Enter the path and the filename for the file that you want to insert, or click the Browse button to locate the file. If the DDE check box is selected, enter the DDE command that you want to use.
Locate the file that you want to insert as a link, and then click Insert.
Select the section in the file that you want to insert as a link.
Prevents the selected section from being edited.
Protects the selected section with a password. The password must have a minimum of 5 characters.
Opens a dialog where you can change the current password.
Hides and prevents the selected section from being printed. The components of a hidden sections appear gray in the Navigator. When you rest your mouse pointer over a hidden component in the Navigator, the Help tip "hidden" is displayed.
Enter the condition that must be met to hide the section. A condition is a logical expression, such as "SALUTATION EQ Mr.". For example, if you use the mail merge form letter feature to define a database field called "Salutation" that contains "Mr.", "Ms.", or "Sir or Madam", you can then specify that a section will only be printed if the salutation is "Mr.".
另一個範例是建立欄位變量「x」並設定其值為 1。然後依此變量指定區塊的隱入條件,如:「x eq 1」。如果您要顯示此區塊,請將變量「x」的值設定為「0」。
當目前的文件為 XForms 文件時,此對話方塊中將出現此區塊。