Collabora Office 24.04 Help
您不需滑鼠也能夠操作使用 Collabora Office Math 。
若是要在文字文件内直接插入一個公式,而且您也知道公式的語法,那不需要啟動 Collabora Office Math 也能夠完成:
Choose the command
.If you want to use the Collabora Office Math interface to edit a formula, choose the command
without any text selected.當游標出現在指令行視窗内時,您就可以開始鍵入公式。
You can compose formulas using the Elements pane. Open it with the menu View - Elements if it is not already open.
If the Elements pane is open, use F6 to switch from the Commands window to the Elements pane and back.