
In the General section, you can select default settings for saving documents, and can select default file formats.


Choose - Load/Save - General.

Options Save Dialog Image


Some options cannot be reset once edited. Either edit back the changes manually or click Cancel and reopen the Options dialog.




If Load user-specific settings with the document is not selected, the following user-specific settings still apply:



If enabled, the printer settings will be loaded with the document. This can cause a document to be printed on a distant printer, if you do not change the printer manually in the Print dialog. If disabled, your standard printer will be used to print this document. The current printer settings will be stored with the document whether or not this option is checked.

Load view position with the document even if it was saved by a different user

Loads the view position settings saved in a document with the document even if it was saved by a different user.

If Load view position with the document even if it was saved by a different user is not selected, the view position will only be loaded with a document if the author metadata in the document matches the first and last name in - Collabora Office - User Data. Note that the author will only be saved with a document if the setting Apply user data in File - Properties - General is enabled.




Specifies that Collabora Office saves the information needed to restore all modified documents in case of a crash.


Specifies the time interval in minutes before AutoRecovery information is saved for a document.


A timer starts for a document when it is first modified. AutoRecovery information is saved after the specified time (while Collabora Office is idle). The timer then restarts with the next modification in the document.

Automatically save the document too

Specifies that Collabora Office saves all modified documents when saving AutoRecovery information. Uses the time interval specified in Minutes.


指定每次選取 [另存新檔] 指令時,螢幕上都將顯示 [屬性] 對話方塊。


Saves the previous version of a document as a backup copy whenever you save a document. Every time Collabora Office creates a backup copy, the previous backup copy is replaced. The backup copy gets the extension .BAK.

若要變更備份副本的位置,請選擇 - [Collabora Office] - [路徑],然後輸入備份檔的新路徑。

Place backup in same folder as document

Backup copy is saved to the same folder as the document. If the backup copy cannot be saved in the same folder for some reason, then Collabora Office tries to save the copy in the Backups folder specified in Paths.

Save URLs relative to file system

This option allows you to select the default for relative addressing of URLs in the file system and on the Internet. Relative addressing is only possible if the source document and the referenced document are both on the same drive.












提示說明中的顯示總是顯示絕對路徑。但是只要您,以 HTML 檔案格式儲存時啟動這個選項,Collabora Office 則會輸入一個相對路徑。

Select this box for relative saving of URLs in the file system.

儲存相對於網際網路的 URL

Select this box for relative saving of URLs to the Internet.

預設檔案格式與 ODF 設定

ODF 格式版本

LibreOffice 7.0 supports the OpenDocument format (ODF) version 1.3. The prior versions of LibreOffice support the file format ODF 1.2. Prior file formats cannot store all new features of the new software.

OpenOffice.org 3 and StarOffice 9 introduced new features which have to be saved using the OpenDocument format (ODF) version 1.2. The prior versions of OpenOffice.org 2 and StarOffice 8 support the file formats ODF 1.0/1.1. Those prior file formats cannot store all new features of the new software.

Current Collabora Office versions can open documents in ODF formats 1.0/1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

When you save a document, you can select whether to save the document in the format ODF 1.3, ODF 1.3 Extended, ODF 1.2, ODF 1.2 Extended, ODF 1.2 Extended (compatibility mode), or in the prior format ODF 1.0/1.1.


Currently, the ODF 1.2 (Extended) or newer formats enable files of Draw and Impress to contain comments. Those comments can be inserted by Insert - Comment in the latest software version. The comments get lost when loading files into prior software versions that were saved by the latest software version.

Some companies or organizations may require ODF documents in the ODF 1.0/1.1, or ODF 1.2 format. You can select these format to save in the listbox. These older formats cannot store all new features, so the new format ODF 1.3 (Extended) is recommended where possible.

The ODF 1.2 Extended (compatibility mode) is a more backward-compatible ODF 1.2 extended mode. It uses features that are deprecated in ODF 1.2 and/or it is 'bug-compatible' to older OpenOffice.org versions. It may be useful if you need to interchange ODF documents with users who use pre-ODF 1.2 or ODF 1.2-only legacy applications.




指定如何將在左側選取的文件類型總是儲存為此檔案類型。您可以在 [另存新檔] 對話方塊中,為目前的文件選取另一種檔案類型。

不以 ODF 或預設格式儲存時發出警告

您可以選擇在以非 OpenDocument 格式或未在 [選項] 對話方塊的 [載入/儲存] - [一般] 中設為預設格式的格式儲存文件時,取得警告訊息。

您可以選擇在儲存各種文件類型的文件時,將哪種檔案格式作為預設套用。如果您經常與其他人 (例如,使用 Microsoft Office 的人) 交換文件,則可在此處指定 Collabora Office 僅使用 Microsoft Office 檔案格式作為預設值。


Some options cannot be reset once edited. Either edit back the changes manually or click Cancel and reopen the Options dialog.

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