Selecting Themes for Sheets

Collabora Office Calc 提供了一組預先定義的格式化風格,您可以將其採用至自己的試算表。

您不能向 Calc 中新增風格,也不能更改 Calc 中的風格。但是,當這些風格採用至試算表後,您便可以修改它們的樣式了。


To apply a custom cell style to a cell, you can open the Styles window and, in its lower list box, set the Custom Styles view. A list of the existing custom defined cell styles will be displayed. Double click a name from the Styles window to apply this style to the selected cells.


  1. 按一下 [工具] 列中的選擇主題圖示。

    Icon Themes

    Choose Themes

    The Theme Selection dialog appears. This dialog lists the available themes for the whole spreadsheet and the Styles window lists the custom styles for specific cells.

  2. [選擇設計風格]對話方塊中,選取要對試算表採用的風格。

  3. 按一下 [確定]


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