Collabora Office 24.04 Help
您可以在 Collabora Office Calc 中,針對儲存格範圍定義背景顏色或使用圖形做為背景。
選擇 [格式] - [儲存格] (或從右鍵功能表選擇 [格式化儲存格])。
在 [背景] 標籤頁上,選取背景顏色。
選擇 [插入] - [圖形] - [從檔案]。
選取圖形,然後按一下 [開啟]。
The graphic is inserted anchored to the current cell. You can move and scale the graphic as you want. In your context menu you can use the Navigator.
command to place this in the background. To select a graphic that has been placed in the background, use the