Collabora Office 24.04 Help
Calls a subroutine that is indicated by a label inside a Sub or a Function. The statements following the label are executed until the next Return statement. Afterwards, the program continues with the statement that follows the GoSub statement.
GoSub label[:]
label: A line identifier indicating where to continue execution. The scope of a label in that of the routine it belongs to.
The GoSub statement calls a local subroutine indicated by a label from within a subroutine or a function. The name of the label must end with a colon (":").
Sub/Function foo
' statements
GoSub label
' statements
Exit Sub/Function
' statements
End Sub/Function
當 Collabora Office Basic 發現 Return 陳述式前面沒有 GoSub 陳述式時,將傳回錯誤訊息。使用 Exit Sub 或 Exit Function 以確保程式在執行到下一個 Return 陳述式之前結束子常式或函式。
以下示例用於說明 GoSub 和 Return 的用法。透過將程式段執行兩遍,計算由使用者輸入的兩個數的平方根。
Sub ExampleGoSub
Dim iInputa As Single
Dim iInputb As Single
Dim iInputc As Single
iInputa = Int(InputBox("Enter the first number:","NumberInput"))
iInputb = Int(InputBox("Enter the second number:","NumberInput"))
GoSub SquareRoot
Print "The square root of";iInputa;" is";iInputc
GoSub SquareRoot
Print "The square root of";iInputb;" is";iInputc
Exit Sub
End Sub