Collabora Office 23.05 帮助
「帮助」菜单用于启动和控制 Collabora Office 的帮助系统。
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Collabora Office 帮助
在浏览器中打开用户指南页面,以下载、阅读或购买由社区编写的 Collabora Office 用户指南文档。
在浏览器中打开社区支持页面。您可以在社区支持页面对使用 Collabora Office 中出现的问题进行提问。QQ 用户也可加群咨询: 190535062。若要获得具有服务级协议约束的专业支持,请访问 Collabora Office 专业支持页面。
在安全模式下,Collabora Office 会暂时以全新的用户配置文件启动,并且暂时禁用硬件加速。这对于诊断和修复损坏的 Collabora Office 实例很有用。
Opens the community Get Involved page in the web browser. The page describe areas of interest where you can collaborate with the Collabora Office community.
Collabora Office is Free Software and is made available free of charge.
Your donation, which is purely optional, supports our worldwide community.
If you like the software, please consider a donation.
Displays the CREDITS.odt document which lists the names of individuals who have contributed to source code (and whose contributions were imported into Collabora Office) or Collabora Office since 2010-09-28.
启用 Collabora Office 的因特网连接。如果您需要使用代理,请转到「 - Internet」的「Collabora Office 代理设置」。然后选择「检查更新」检查是否有更新版本的办公套件可用。