Collabora Office 24.04 帮助
Welcome to Collabora Office. Thank you for using the Collabora Office application help. Press F1 whenever you need help using Collabora Office.
在 Collabora Office 中,如果没有打开任何文档时,您会看到「启动中心」。它分为两个面板。点击左侧面板的按钮可打开新的文档,或打开文件对话框。
Click the Recent Documents button to show thumbnails of the most recent documents you opened in the right side of the window. Hover your mouse over the thumbnail to highlight the document, display a tip about the document location and display an icon on the top right to delete the thumbnail from the pane and from the recent files list. Click on the thumbnail to open the document underneath.
You can remove an item from the Recent Documents list by clicking the button in the upper-right corner of the icon. The document itself is not deleted. You can remove all items on the Recent Documents list by pressing the Recent Documents dropdown button and selecting .
Click the Templates button to display templates for all applications in the right side of the window.
Click the down arrow after the Templates button to open a menu where you can select a filter to display templates by application type or open the Template Manager dialog.
「Writer 文档」打开 Collabora Office Writer
「Calc 电子表格」打开 Collabora Office Calc
「Impress 演示文稿」打开 Collabora Office Impress
「Draw 绘图」打开 Collabora Office Draw
「Math 公式」打开 Collabora Office Math
Base Database opens Collabora Office Base
「扩展」按钮可打开 页面,可以下载 Collabora Office 的模版以及附加功能。
Encrypted files will not display a thumbnail image of its content.