Collabora Office 24.04 帮助
例如,打开空文本文档,按下「biblio」。按住「Shift+ 」的同时,将一部分列标题拖入文档,即可创建表单字段。
+ Shift + F4」组合键。在数据源视图打开参考文献数据库表「On the Form Controls toolbar, click the Design Mode On/Off icon to turn off the design mode.
Design Mode On/Off
On the Form Navigation toolbar, click the Form-Based Filters icon. The current document is displayed with its form controls as an empty edit mask. The Form Filter toolbar appears.
Form Navigator
在一个或多个字段中输入筛选条件。请注意,如果在多个字段中输入筛选条件,则需要符合所有这些输入的条件 (逻辑 AND)。
More information about wildcards and operators can be found in Query Design.
如果您在「表单筛选器」工具栏上点击「应用表单式筛选器」图标,则会应用筛选器。 可以看到「表单导航」工具栏,并且可以浏览找到的记录。
Click the Apply Filter icon on the Form Navigation toolbar to change to the filtered view.
Apply Filter
The filter that has been set can be removed by clicking Reset Filter/Sort icon.
Reset Filter/Sort