


在该例子中,您可以在公式中使用字符串「'Column One'」作为对单元格区域「B3」到「B5」的引用,或者使用字符串「'Column Two'」作为对单元格区域「C2」到「C5」的引用。您也可以使用「'Row One'」表示单元格区域「B3」到「D3」,或者使用「'Row Two'」表示单元格区域「B4」到「D4」。公式「SUM('Column One')」中使用了单元格名称,其计算结果为600。

Automatically finding labels is a legacy feature and deactivated by default as it can produce nondeterministic behavior depending on actual document content. To turn this function on, choose - Collabora Office Calc - Calculate and mark the Automatically find column and row labels check box.

Using defined labels instead is always possible and behaves similar but in a defined way.


If you enter a label name in the formula yourself, enclose the name in single quotation marks ('). If a single quotation mark appears in a name, you must double it, for example, 'Harry''s Bar'.
