Collabora Office 24.04 帮助
Sorts first by uppercase letters and then by lowercase letters. For Asian languages, special handling applies.
For Asian languages: Check Case Sensitive to apply multi-level collation. With multi-level collation, entries are first compared in their primitive forms with their cases and diacritics ignored. If they evaluate as the same, their diacritics are taken into account for the second-level comparison. If they still evaluate as the same, their cases, character widths, and Japanese Kana difference are considered for the third-level comparison.
自然排序是根据待排序数字中各数字元素的数值来对带有字符串前缀的数字进行排序的排序算法,而不是将它们作为普通字符串排序。例如,假设有一系列数值,如 A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, ..., A19, A20, A21。当把这些值放到单元格区域当中进行排序,它会变成 A1, A11, A12, A13, ..., A19, A2, A20, A21, A3, A4, A5, ..., A9。虽然这种排序行为对了解底层排序机制的人而言有一定意义,但对其他人不是造成不便,就是看上去完全是瞎扯淡。启用自然排序功能后,上述例子中的数值将‘正确’排序,排序操作的便利性因此整体提升。
Range boundary columns (for sorting rows) or boundary rows (for sorting columns) of a sorting range are not sorted by default if they are empty. Check this option if boundary columns or boundary rows containing comments are also to be sorted.
Border columns (for sorting rows) or border rows (for sorting columns) of a sorting area are not sorted by default if they are empty. Check this option if boundary columns or boundary rows containing images are also to be sorted.
Select a named cell range where you want to display the sorted list.
Enter the cell range where you want to display the sorted list.
Select the custom sort order that you want to apply. To define a custom sort order, choose - .
选择语言的排序选项。 例如,对德语选择「电话簿」选项,以便在排序时包括特殊的变音字符。