Collabora Office 24.04 帮助
Input #fileNum {,|;} var1 [, var2 [, ...]]
fileNum: Number of the file that contains the data that you want to read. The file must be opened with the Open statement using the key word INPUT.
var: A numeric or string variable that you assign the values read from the opened file to.
「Input#」语句从打开的文件中读取数值或字符串,并将这些数据指定到一个或多个变量。读取数字变量的过程在遇到第一个回车 (Asc=13)、换行 (Asc=10)、空格或逗号时停止,而读取字符串变量的过程在遇到第一个回车 (Asc=13)、换行 (Asc=10) 或逗号时停止。
不能将逗号分隔的记录指定给字符串变量。文件中的引号 (") 也将被忽略。如果要从文件中读取这些字符,可以使用「Line Input#」语句逐行读取纯文本文件 (只包含可打印字符的文件)。
Sub ExampleWorkWithAFile
Dim iCount As Integer, sFileName As String
Dim sName As String, sValue As Integer
sFileName = "C:\Users\ThisUser\data.txt"
iCount = Freefile
' 写入数据 (稍后通过输入读取) 到文件
Open sFileName For Output As iCount
sName = "Hamburg" : sValue = 200
Write #iCount, sName, sValue
sName = "New York" : sValue = 300
Write #iCount; sName, sValue
sName = "Miami" : sValue = 459
Write #iCount, sName, sValue
Close #iCount
' 通过输入读取数据文件
iCount = Freefile
Open sFileName For Input As iCount
Input #iCount, sName, sValue
MsgBox sName & " " & sValue
Input #iCount; sName, sValue
MsgBox sName & " " & sValue
Input #iCount, sName, sValue
MsgBox sName & " " & sValue
Close #iCount
End Sub