Collabora Office 24.04 帮助
Listening to document events can help in the following situations:
Identify a new document at opening time, as opposed to existing ones, and perform a dedicated setup.
Control the processing of document save, document copy, print or mailmerge requests.
Recalculate table of contents, indexes or table entries of a Writer document when document is going to be closed
Import math Python packages before opening a Calc document. Release these packages when the document closes.
在将宏分配给事件旁边,可以监视 Collabora Office 文档所引发的事件。应用程序编程接口 (API) 广播器负责调用事件脚本。与需要定义所有支持的方法 (即使未使用) 的监听器不同, 文档监视器对已挂钩的事件脚本只需要两个方法。
Monitoring is illustrated herewith for Basic and Python languages using object-oriented programming. Assigning OnLoad script, to the event, suffices to initiate and terminate document event monitoring. menu tab is used to assign either scripts.
Intercepting events helps setting scripts pre- and post-conditions such as loading and unloading libraries or track script processing in the background. Access2Base.Trace module usage is illustrating that second context.
事件监视从对象实例化开始, 并在 Python 释放对象时最终停止。引发的事件通过Access2Base 控制台报告。
OnLoad and OnUnload events can be used to respectively set and unset Python programs path. They are described as and .
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os.path, uno, unohelper
from import DocumentEvent, \
XDocumentEventListener as AdapterPattern
from import EventObject
class UiDocument(unohelper.Base, AdapterPattern):
""" 监视文档事件 """
改编自「用于监视 OnSave 事件的 Python 脚本」,见于
def __init__(self):
""" 文档事件监视器 """
''' 使用 Access2Base.Trace 控制台报告,*或*
在 Calc 文档的第一个工作表的第一列报告 '''
ctx = uno.getComponentContext()
smgr = ctx.getServiceManager()
desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
'' , ctx)
self.doc = desktop.CurrentComponent
#self.row = 0 # 仅对 Calc 文档取消注释
self.listen() # 开始监视文档事件
def Filename(self) -> str:
sys_filename = uno.fileUrlToSystemPath(self.doc.URL)
return os.path.basename(sys_filename)
def setCell(self, calcDoc, txt: str):
""" 在 Calc 电子表格的第一列输出文档事件 """
sheet = calcDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
self.row = self.row + 1
def listen(self, *args): # 尽可能早执行 OnLoad/OnNew
""" 开始文档事件监视 """
Console.log("INFO", "正在记录文档事件", True)
def sleep(self, *args): # 最后执行 OnUnload (可选)
""" 停止文档事件监视 """
Console.log("INFO", "文档事件已记录", True)
def documentEventOccured(self, event: DocumentEvent):
""" 截取所有文档事件 """
#self.setCell(event.Source, event.EventName) # 仅适用于 Calc 文档
event.EventName+" in "+self.Filename,
def disposing(self, event: EventObject):
""" 释放所有活动 """
def OnLoad(*args): #「文档打开」事件
listener = UiDocument() # Initiates listening
def OnUnload(*args): # '文档已关闭' 事件
pass # (可选) 销毁时执行
g_exportedScripts = (OnLoad,)
from import XScript
class Console():
def trace(*args,**kwargs):
""" 向控制台打印空闲项目列表 """
scr = Console._a2bScript(script='DebugPrint', module='Compatible')
def log(level: str, text: str, msgBox=False):
""" 日志消息追加到控制台,可选用户提示 """
scr = Console._a2bScript(script='TraceLog')
def setLevel(logLevel: str):
""" 设置日志消息下限 """
scr = Console._a2bScript(script='TraceLevel')
def show():
""" 显示控制台内容/对话框 """
scr = Console._a2bScript(script='TraceConsole')
def _a2bScript(script: str, library='Access2Base',
module='Trace') -> XScript:
''' Grab application-based Basic script '''
sm = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
mspf = sm.createInstanceWithContext(
scriptPro = mspf.createScriptProvider("")
scriptName = ""+library+"."+module+"."+script+"?language=Basic&location=application"
xScript = scriptPro.getScript(scriptName)
return xScript
注意拼写错误的 documentEventOccured 方法, 该错误继承自 Collabora Office 应用程序编程接口 (API)。
Importing Python Modules for more information.
and events can respectively be used to set and to unset Python path for user scripts or Collabora Office scripts. In a similar fashion, document based Python libraries or modules can be loaded and released using and events. Refer toUsing ConsoleLogger initialisation. _documentEventOccured routine - set by ConsoleLogger - serves as a unique entry point to trap all document events.
menu tab, the event fires a
Option Explicit
Global _obj As Object ' controller.ConsoleLogger instance
Sub OnLoad(evt As ' >> 文档打开 <<
_obj = New ConsoleLogger : _obj.StartAdapter(evt)
End Sub ' controller.OnLoad
Sub _documentEventOccured(evt As
''' ConsoleLogger unique entry point '''
End Sub ' controller._documentEventOccured
Events monitoring starts from the moment a ConsoleLogger object is instantiated and ultimately stops upon document closure. StartAdapter routine loads necessary Basic libraries, while caught events are reported using Access2Base.Trace module.
Option Explicit
Option Compatible
Option ClassModule
' ADAPTER design pattern object to be instantiated in the "Open Document" event
Private Const UI_PROMPT = True
Private Const UI_NOPROMPT = False ' Set it to True to visualise documents events
' 成员
Private _evtAdapter As Object '
Private _txtMsg As String ' text message to log in console
Private Property Get FileName As String
''' 受系统影响的文件名 '''
Const _LIBRARY = "Tools" : With GlobalScope.BasicLibraries
If Not .IsLibraryLoaded(_LIBRARY) Then .LoadLibrary(_LIBRARY)
End With
Filename = Tools.Strings.FilenameOutofPath(ThisComponent.URL)
End Property ' controller.ConsoleLogger.Filename
' 方法
Public Sub DocumentEventOccurs(evt As
''' 监视文档事件 '''
Access2Base.Trace.TraceLog("DEBUG", _
evt.EventName &" in "& Filename(evt.Source.URL), _
Select Case evt.EventName
Case "OnUnload" : _StopAdapter(evt)
End Select
End Sub ' controller.ConsoleLogger.DocumentEventOccurs
Public Sub StartAdapter(Optional evt As
''' 初始化文档事件记录 '''
Const _LIBRARY = "Access2Base" : With GlobalScope.BasicLibraries
If Not .IsLibraryLoaded(_LIBRARY) Then .LoadLibrary(_LIBRARY)
End With : Access2Base.Trace.TraceLevel("DEBUG")
If IsMissing(evt) Then _txtMsg = "" Else _txtMsg = evt.EventName & "-"
Access2Base.Trace.TraceLog("INFO", _txtMsg & "Document events are being logged", UI_PROMPT)
_evtAdapter = CreateUnoListener( "_", "" )
ThisComponent.addDocumentEventListener( _evtAdapter )
End Sub ' controller.ConsoleLogger.StartAdapter
Private Sub _StopAdapter(Optional evt As
''' 终止文档事件记录 '''
ThisComponent.removeDocumentEventListener( _evtAdapter )
If IsMissing(evt) Then _txtMsg = "" Else _txtMsg = evt.EventName & "-"
Access2Base.Trace.TraceLog("INFO", _txtMsg & "Document events have been logged", UI_PROMPT)
Access2Base.Trace.TraceConsole() ' Captured events dialog
End Sub ' controller.ConsoleLogger._StopAdapter
' 用于已处理事件的代码放在这里
注意拼写错误的 _documentEventOccured 方法, 该错误继承自 Collabora Office 应用程序编程接口 (API)。
广播器 API 对象提供了它所负责的事件列表:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import uno, apso_utils as ui
def displayAvailableEvents():
""" 显示文档事件 """
改编自 DisplayAvailableEvents(),作者为 A. Pitonyak
ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
smgr = ctx.ServiceManager
geb = smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
"", ctx)
events = geb.Events.getElementNames()
ui.msgbox('; '.join(events))
g_exportedScripts = (displayAvailableEvents,)
「替代 Python 脚本管理器 (APSO)」扩展程序用于在屏幕上渲染事件信息。
Sub DisplayAvailableEvents
''' 显示文档事件 '''
Dim geb As Object '
Dim events() As String
geb = CreateUnoService("")
events = geb.Events.ElementNames()
MsgBox Join(events, "; ")
End Sub