Collabora Office 23.05 帮助
可以从Collabora Office Basic宏调用Python脚本,从而获得一些有用的功能,例如:
Basic的FileLen()函数和。getSize()API函数显示了Python帮助克服的2 GB文件大小上限,
A reasonable exposure to Collabora Office Basic and to Application Programming Interface (API) features is recommended prior to perform inter-language calls from Basic to Python, to JavaScript or any other script engine.
Python脚本可以是个人的、共享的,也可以嵌入到文档中。为了执行它们,需要为Collabora Office Basic提供Python脚本位置。定位兼容接口的UNO对象允许执行Python脚本:
Option Explicit
Public Function GetPythonScript(macro As String, _
Optional location As String) As
' 参数:
' 宏 : 为 "library/$macro" 或者 "$macro"
' 位置:作为“文档”、“共享”、“用户”或枚举 ENUM(eration)
' 结果:
' 定位到的 UNO 服务'''
If IsMissing(location) Then location = "user"
Dim mspf As Object '
Dim sp As Object ' 与 兼容
Dim uri As String
If location="document" Then
sp = ThisComponent.getScriptProvider()
mspf = CreateUNOService("")
sp = mspf.createScriptProvider("")
End If
uri = ""& macro &"?language=Python&location="& location
GetPythonScript = sp.getScript(uri)
End Function ' GetPythonScript
workstation_name = script.invoke(Array(), Array(), Array())
opSysName = script.invoke(Array(), in_outs, Array()) ' in_out 为数组
file_len = script.invoke(Array(systemFilePath), Array(), Array())
normalizedPath = script.invoke(Array(systemFilePath), Array(), Array())
Option Explicit
Option Compatible ' 支持进行属性的设置
Private scr As Object '
Private Property Get ComputerName As String
scr = GetPythonScript("$computer_name", "document")
ComputerName = scr.invoke(Array(), Array(), Array())
End Property ' ComputerName
Private Function GetFilelen(systemFilePath As String) As Currency
scr = GetPythonScript("Os/$get_size", Script.ISEMBEDDED)
GetFilelen = scr.invoke(Array(systemFilePath), Array(), Array(),)
End Function ' GetFilelen
ISEMBEDDED As String ' 文档级的脚本
ISPERSONAL As String ' 用户级的脚本
ISSHARED As String ' Collabora Office 级别的宏
Public Function Script() As Object ' Text enumeration
Static enums As _SCRIPT_LOCATION : With enums
If .ISEMBEDDED = "" Then
.ISEMBEDDED = "document" '文档级别的脚本
.ISPERSONAL = "user" ' 用户级别的脚本
.ISSHARED = "share" ' Collabora Office 宏
End If : End With ' enums
Script = enums
End Function ' Script
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import platform
def computer_name() -> str:
return platform.node()
def OSname() -> str:
return platform.system()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os.path
def get_size(systemFilePath: str) -> str:
return str(os.path.getsize(systemFilePath))
def normalyze(systemPath: str) -> str:
return os.path.normpath(systemPath)
个人或共享Python脚本的调用机制与嵌入式脚本的调用机制相同。库名称映射到文件夹。计算Collabora Office用户配置文件和共享模块系统文件路径可以按照获取会话信息中的详细说明执行。在OSName的下面,HelloWorld和NormalizePath例程使用前面提到的GetPythonScript函数调用Python对应程序。异常处理未详细说明。
Option Explicit
Option Compatible ' 支持进行属性的设置
Private scr As Object '
Private Property Get OSName As String
scr = GetPythonScript("$OSname", Script.ISPERSONAL)
OSName = scr.invoke(Array(), Array(), Array())
End Property ' OSName
Private Sub HelloWorld()
'''Collabora Office Python 共享示例'''
scr = GetPythonScript("$HelloWorldPython", Script.ISSHARED)
scr.invoke(Array(), Array(), Array(),)
End Sub ' HelloWorld
Public Function NormalizePath(systemFilePath As String) As String
'''去除路径中多余的 '\..' '''
scr = GetPythonScript("Os/$normalyze", "user")
NormalizePath = scr.invoke(Array(systemFilePath), Array(), Array())
End Function ' NormalizePath
Collabora Office embedded Python包含许多可从中受益的标准库。它们具有丰富的功能集,例如但不限于:
argparse 用于对命令行选项、参数以及子命令进行解析
cmath 用于进行复杂计算的数学函数
csv 对CSV逗号分隔符文件进行读写操作
datetime 真正的日期和时间数据类型
json 对JSON数据进行编码和解码
math 数学函数
re Regular expression operations
socket Low-level networking interface
sys System-specific parameters and functions
unittest and trace Unit testing framework and Track Python execution
xml.etree.ElementTree ElementTree XML API