Trợ lý Báo cáo > Chọn trường

Specifies the table or query for which you are creating the report, and which fields you wish to include in the report.

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Bảng hay truy vấn

Select the table or query for which the report is to be created.

Trường có sẵn

Displays the names of the data base fields in the selected table or query. Click to select a field or press the Shift or key while clicking to select multiple fields.

Trường trong báo cáo

Displays all fields that are included in the new report.


Click to move the selected field(s) to the box that the arrow is pointing to.


Click to move all fields to the box that the arrow is pointing to.


Click to move the selected field(s) to the box that the arrow is pointing to.


Click to move all fields to the box that the arrow is pointing to.

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