Getting Support

You can find support on the Collabora Office website.

For a summary of the current support services refer to the Readme file in the Collabora Office folder.

Trang hỗ trợ bằng ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ

The Collabora Office localization projects offer support pages in various languages. Find an overview of the native language projects at the Collabora Office website. You can find English-language help and support on the Collabora Office website as well.

Hộp thư chung

Ask about Collabora Office, find help by volunteers, and discuss topics on the public mailing lists. You can find many general and specialized mailing lists on the Collabora Office website at

Diễn đàn

You can access web forums to ask and answer questions about Collabora Office. Choose Help – Get Help Online to access the forum in your language.

Bảo mật

In case you are concerned about any security issue with using this software, you can contact the developers on the public mailing list. If you want to discuss any issue with other users, send an email to the public mailing list

Tải về

You can download the latest version of Collabora Office at

Tài liệu

You can download documentation as PDF files, how-tos, and guides from the Collabora Office documentation website at You can also access the documentation website choosing the menu Help – User Guides.

Tham gia và đóng góp lại

Nếu bạn muốn có một vai trò tích cực trong cộng đồng trên toàn thế giới, bạn hãy tham gia góp ý phản hồi, thảo luận các tính năng, đề xuất các cải tiến, viết bài riêng của bạn về FAQ, chỉ cách làm, hướng dẫn sử dụng, tạo ra một video hướng dẫn .v.v.

Visit the Get involved page on the website and follow the links for contributors.

Please support us!