Opening Documents

Opening an existing document

Виконайте одну з таких дій:

Select the file you want to open and click Open.

Restrict Files to Display

To restrict the display of files in the Open dialog to a certain type select the corresponding File type from the list. Select All Files to display all files.

Cursor Position

In general, all documents open with the cursor at the start of the document.

One exception appears when the author of a Writer text document saves and reopens a document: The cursor will be at the same position where it has been when the document was saved. This only works when the name of the author was entered in - Collabora Office - User Data.

Press Shift+F5 to set the cursor to the last saved position.

Opening an Empty Document

Клацніть на піктограмі Створити на панелі Стандартна, або виберіть у меню Файл - Створити. Відкриється документ вказаного типу.

If you click the arrow next to the New icon, a submenu opens in which you can select another document type.

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