Statusraden innehåller information om dokumentet och olika knappar med specialfunktioner.
Page Number
The current page number is displayed in this field of the status bar. A click opens "Go to Page", with which you can navigate in the document. A right-click shows all bookmarks in the document. Click a bookmark to position the text cursor at the bookmark location.
Counts the words and characters, with or without spaces, in the current selection and in the whole document. The count is kept up to date as you type or change the selection.
Displays the current Page Style. Double-click to edit the style, right-click to select another style.
Displays the language for the selected text. Click to open a menu where you can choose another language for the selected text or for the current paragraph.
Choose to exclude the text from spellchecking and hyphenation.
Choose to re-apply the default language for the selection or the paragraph.
Choose to open the character formatting dialog with more options.
Displays the current insert mode. You can toggle between INSRT = insert and OVER = overwrite. This field is only active if the cursor is in the input line of the formula bar or in a cell.
Switches between different selection modes.
If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a "*" is displayed in this field on the Status bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents.
Digital signatur
Click to start digital signature process. You must have a digital certificate to complete the process. See also Digital Signatures.
Visar aktuell information om det aktiva dokumentet.
Zoom- och visningslayout
Med de tre kontrollerna på statusfältet i Writer kan du ändra zoom- och visningslayout för dina textdokument.
Ikonerna för visningslayout visar från vänster till höger: Enspaltsläge. Visningsläge med sidor bredvid varandra. Bokläge med två sidor som i en uppslagen bok.
Dra zoom-reglaget åt vänster för att visa fler sidor, åt höger för att zooma in en sida eller ett mindre område på sidan.
Anger den aktuella zoomfaktorn för sidvisningen.
Click this field to open the Zoom dialog, where you can change the current zoom factor.
Right-click to open the context menu on this field to see a selection of available zoom factors.