
Visar alla kommandon för att infoga, redigera och ta bort en tabell i ett textdokument.

Insert Table

Infogar en ny tabell.


Opens a submenu with the following command options:

Rows Above

Insert a row above the row where the cursor is currently placed.

Rows Below

Insert a row below the row where the cursor is currently placed.


Opens dialog box for inserting rows.

Columns Before

Inserts a column before the column where the cursor is currently placed.

Columns After

Inserts a column after the column where the cursor is currently placed.


Opens dialog box for inserting columns.


Opens a submenu with the following command options:


Tar bort de markerade raderna.


Tar bort de markerade kolumnerna.


Deletes the current table.


Opens a submenu with the following command options:


Selects the current cell.


Markerar den aktuella raden.


Markerar den aktuella kolumnen.


Markerar den aktuella tabellen.


Opens a submenu with the following command options:


Öppnar dialogrutan Radhöjd där du kan ändra höjden på en rad.

Minimal Row Height

Adjust the row height for selected row(s) so that the tallest content in each selected row fits exactly.

Optimal radhöjd

Set row height for selected table rows so that each row has the same height as the row with the tallest content.

Fördela rader jämnt

Adjust the height of the selected rows to match the height of the tallest row in the selection.

Column Width

Öppnar dialogrutan Kolumnbredd där du kan ändra bredden på en kolumn.

Minimal Column Width

Optimal kolumnbredd

Adjust column widths among columns with selected cells, according to the paragraph length in each selected cell. Widen the table, up to page width, if necessary.

Fördela kolumner jämnt

Adjust the width of selected table columns so that each column has the same width. The table width and unselected columns remain unchanged.

Sammanfoga celler

Combines the contents of the selected cells into a single cell, retaining the formatting of the first cell in the selection.

Dela celler

Displays the Split Cells Dialog where the split can be defined as either horizontally or vertically and the number the each cell will be split into.

Sammanfoga tabell

Combines two consecutive tables into a single table. The tables must be directly next to each other and not separated by an empty paragraph.

Dela tabell

Delar upp den aktuella tabellen i två separata tabeller vid markörens position. Du kan också komma åt det här kommandot genom att högerklicka i en tabellcell.

Protect Cells

Förhindrar att innehållet i de markerade cellerna ändras.

Unprotect Cells

Tar bort cellskyddet för alla celler i den aktuella tabellen.

AutoFormat Styles

Automatically applies formats to the current table, including fonts, shading, and borders.


Opens a dialog where you can specify the format of numbers in the table.

Number Recognition

Toggles the setting for automatically recognizing numbers or dates that you enter into a table cell, converting them from text to an appropriate number format.

Header Rows Repeat Across Pages

Repeat a table heading on each new page that the table spans.

Rows to Break Across Pages

Allows a page break or column break inside a row of the table. This option is not applied to the first row in a table if the Repeat Heading option is selected.


Opens a submenu with the following command options:

Text till tabell

Öppnar en dialogruta där du kan omvandla den markerade texten till en tabell.

Tabell till text

Öppnar en dialogruta där du kan omvandla den aktuella tabellen till text.

Text Formula

Öppnar Formelraden där du kan ange eller redigera en formel.


Sortera de valda styckena eller tabellraderna alfabetiskt eller numeriskt. Du kan definiera upp till tre olika sorteringsnycklar och kombinera alfanumeriska och numeriska sorteringsnycklar.


Specifies the properties of the selected table, for example, name, alignment, spacing, column width, borders, and background.

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