Numbering and Paragraph Styles

Du kan tilldela numrering i ett stycke manuellt eller med en styckeformatmall.


If you want numbered headings, use Tools - Heading Numbering, instead of numbering manually.

Så här tillämpar du numrering manuellt

To apply numbering manually, click in the paragraph, and then click the Toggle Ordered List icon on the Formatting bar, or use the dropdown box on the icon to select a numbering format.


You cannot apply manual numbering to paragraphs that are listed under "Special Styles" in the Styles window.


To add selected paragraphs to an existing list, use Format - Lists - Add to List.

Så här tillämpar du numrering med en styckeformatmall

Paragraph Styles give you greater control over numbering that you apply in a document. When you change the list style assigned to a paragraph style, then the numbering format in the list style is applied automatically to all paragraphs using the paragraph style.

  1. Choose View - Styles, and then click the Paragraph Styles icon.

  2. Högerklicka på den styckeformatmall där du vill tilldela numrering och välj sedan Ändra.

  3. Click the Outline & List tab.

  4. In the List style box, select the list style to apply.

  5. Klicka på OK.

  6. Apply the paragraph style to the paragraphs that you want to add numbering to.

Changing the List Level of a List Paragraph

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