
Fields are used to insert information about the current document, for example, file name, template, statistics, user data, date, and time.

Så här använder du det här kommandot...

Välj fliken Infoga - Fält - Annan - Dokument

To insert a field in your document, first select the field Type, then click in the Select list, to choose which information item should be inserted, then click Insert.


Lists the available field types.


Lists what information can be inserted for a selected field type.

Available field Types and Select lists


Select list


Name or initials of current user (as entered in - Collabora Office - User Data).


Infogar kapitelnummer och/eller kapitelnamn.


Inserts the current date. You can insert the date as a fixed field - Date (fixed) - that does not change, or as a dynamic field - Date - that it is updated automatically. To manually update the Date field, press F9.


Infogar filnamn och/eller sökväg för det aktuella dokumentet och filnamnet utan filnamnstillägg.


Infogar sidnumret för den aktuella, föregående eller följande sidan.

Paragraph Signature

Inserts a meta-data field with a digital signature for the paragraph. You must have a digital certificate to sign a paragraph.


Inserts fields containing user data. You can change the user-data that is displayed by choosing - Collabora Office - User Data.


Inserts document statistics, such as page and word counts, as a field. To view the statistics of a document, choose File - Properties, and then click the Statistics tab.


Inserts the filename, the filename without the file extension, the path, or the path and filename of the current template. You can also insert the Template name and Category of the current template.


Inserts the current time. You can insert the time as a fixed field - Time (fixed) - that does not change, or as a dynamic field - Time - that it is updated automatically. To manually update the Time field, press F9.


To quickly insert a field from the Select list, double-click the field.


If a field is displaying a date, time or number, then Format is used to customize the appearance of the date, time, or number. Common formats are shown in the Format window, or click "Additional formats" to define a custom format.

When you click "Additional formats", the Number Format dialog opens, where you can define a custom format.

If you choose "Chapter number without separator" for a chapter field, the separators that are specified for chapter number in Tools - Chapter numbering are not displayed.

För referensfält kan du välja kapitelnumret som Format. Då visas det refererade objektets kapitelnummer i referensen. Om den här kapitelnivån inte är numrerad, så letar Collabora Office Writer i de överordnade nivåerna efter en nivå med numrering och infogar dess kapitelnummer.


For the HTML export and import of date and time fields, special Collabora Office formats are used.

Fixera innehåll

Infogar fältet som statiskt innehåll, d.v.s. fältet går inte att uppdatera.


Enter outline level of the chapter to be displayed. The inserted field will display the value taken from last paragraph with the specified outline level placed before the inserted field.


Ange det korrigeringsvärde som du vill använda på ett sidnummerfält, till exempel "+1".

With an Offset value of 1, the field will display a number that is 1 more than the current page number, but only if a page with that number exists. On the last page of the document, this same field will be empty.


Om du vill ändra faktiskt sidnummer och inte det som visas, ska du inte användaKorrigerings-värdet. Vill du ändra sidnummer, läs guidenSidnummer.

Korrigering i dagar/- minuter

Ange den korrigering du vill använda på ett datum- eller tidsfält.

Stötta oss!