
Opens a submenu where you can choose text spacing commands.

Så här använder du det här kommandot...

Choose Format - Spacing.


Applies single line spacing to the current paragraph. This is the default setting.

Icon Line Spacing 1

Line Spacing 1

1.15 lines

Sets the line spacing to 1.15 lines.

Icon Line Spacing 1.15

Line Spacing 1.15

1,5 rader

Sets the line spacing to 1.5 lines.

Icon Line Spacing 1.5

Line Spacing 1.5


Sets the line spacing to two lines.

Icon Line Spacing 2

Line Spacing 2

Increase Paragraph Spacing

Increases the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.

Icon Increase Paragraph Spacing

Increase Paragraph Spacing

Decrease Paragraph Spacing

Decreases the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.

Icon Decrease Paragraph Spacing

Decrease Paragraph Spacing

Increase Indent

Increases the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and sets it to the next default tab position. If several paragraphs are selected, the indentation of all selected paragraphs is increased.

Icon Increase Indent

Increase Indent

Decrease Indent

Decreases the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and sets it to the previous default tab position. If several paragraphs are selected, the indentation of all selected paragraphs is decreased.

Icon Decrease Indent

Decrease Indent

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