Collabora Office 24.04 Hjälp
Use this tab page to enter or edit user data. Some of the data may have already been entered by the user or system administrator when installing Collabora Office.
Användardata används för dokumentmallar och guider i Collabora Office. Datafält som t.ex. "Förnamn" och "Efternamn" används för att automatiskt infoga ditt namn som författare av ett nytt dokument. Du kan se det här under Arkiv - Egenskaper.
Vissa användardata ingår automatiskt i en intern ordlista så att de känns igen av rättstavningskontrollen. När skrivfel påträffas kan programmet använda dessa data för att föreslå ersättningsord. Observera att ändringarna träder i kraft först när Collabora Office startas om.
User data is also used when commenting and in tracking changes mode, to identify comments/edits author; and to mark last edit position in document, so that when author opens the document later, it opens at the last edit position.
I området Adress anger eller ändrar du dina personliga användardata.
Type the name of your company in this field.
Type your first name.
Type your last name.
Type your initials.
Type the name of your street in this field.
Type your ZIP in this field.
Type the city where you live.
Type your country.
Type your state.
Type your title in this field.
Type your position in the company in this field.
Type your private telephone number in this field.
Type your work number in this field.
Type your fax number in this field.
Type your email address. For example,
Set the preferred public key for OpenPGP encryption and digital signature. These preferred keys will be pre-selected in key selection dialog every time you sign or encrypt a document, so you don't have to select it yourself when signing with one specific key frequently.
Select your OpenPGP key from the drop-down list for signing ODF documents.
Select your OpenPGP key from the drop-down list for encrypting ODF documents.
Mark this checkbox to also encrypt the file with your public key, so you can open the document with your private key.
Keep this option selected, if you ever want to be able to decrypt documents you've encrypted for other people.