Brevguiden - Siddesign

Specifies whether you want to create a personal or a business letter. The available options on the following pages vary depending on your choice.

Så här använder du det här kommandot...

Choose File - Wizards - Letter - Page Design.

Ange brevmallen som du vill skapa

Specify whether you want to create a business or personal letter template.


Specifies that you want to create a business letter template.

Formellt privat brev

Specifies that you want to create a formal personal letter.

Privat brev

Specifies that you want to create a personal letter.


Select the design for your letter template.

Använd papper med brevhuvud

Specifies whether paper is used that already contains an imprinted logo, address, or footer line. The Wizard shows the Letterhead layout page next.

Gå till Brevguiden - Layout på brevhuvud

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