Nytt dokument

Use the New Document tab from the Hyperlink dialog to set up a hyperlink to a new document and create the new document simultaneously.

Så här använder du det här kommandot...

Click Hyperlink icon on Standard bar, click New Document.

Hyperlink New Document Dialog Image

Nytt dokument

Anger det nya dokumentets namn, sökväg och typ.

Redigera direkt

Specifies that the new document is created and immediately opened for editing.

Redigera senare

Specifies that the document is created but it is not immediately opened.


Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink.

Välj ut sökväg

Opens the Select Path dialog, where you can select a path.


Specifies the file type for the new document.

Fler inställningar


Ange namnet på den ram som du vill att den länkade filen ska öppnas i, eller välj en fördefinierad ram i listan. Om du lämnar det här fältet tomt öppnas den länkade filen i det aktuella webbläsarfönstret.


Specifies whether the hyperlink is inserted as text or as a button.


Opens the Assign Macro dialog, in which you can give events such as "mouse over object" or "trigger hyperlink" their own program codes.


Specifies the visible text or button caption for the hyperlink.


Enter a name for the hyperlink. Collabora Office inserts a NAME tag in the hyperlink.

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