Felsäkert läge

Felsäkert läge är ett tillfälligt tillstånd där Collabora Office startas med hårdvaruacceleration inaktiverat och en ren användarprofil. Detta kan hjälpa för att återställa en icke fungerande Collabora Office-installation.

Så här använder du det här kommandot...

Choose Help - Restart in Safe Mode.

Starta Collabora Office från kommandoraden med alternativet --safe-mode

Start Collabora Office from Collabora Office (Safe Mode) start menu entry (Windows only)

What can I do in safe mode?

Once in safe mode, you will be shown a dialog offering three user profile restoration options

Continue in Safe Mode

This option will let you work with Collabora Office as you are used to, but using a temporary user profile. It also means that all configuration changes made to the temporary user profile will be lost after restart.

Restart in Normal Mode

Choosing Restart in Normal Mode will discard all changes, terminate safe mode and start Collabora Office again in normal mode. Use this option if you got here by accident.

Apply Changes and Restart

The dialog offers multiple changes to the user profile that can be made to help restoring Collabora Office to working state. They get more radical from top down so you should try them successively one after another. Choosing this option applies selected changes

Restore from backup

Collabora Office keeps backups of previous configurations and activated extensions. Use this option to return to the previous state if your problems are likely to be caused by recent changes to configuration or extensions.


You can disable all extensions installed by the user. You can also disable hardware acceleration. Activate this option if you experience startup crashes or visual glitches, they are often related to hardware acceleration.

Uninstall extensions

Sometimes Collabora Office cannot be started due to extensions blocking or crashing. This option allows you to disable all extensions installed by the user as well as shared and bundled extensions. Uninstalling shared and bundled extensions should be used with caution. It will only work if you have the necessary system access rights.

Reset to factory settings

If all else fails, you can reset your user profile to the factory default. The first option Reset settings and user customizations resets all configuration and UI changes, but keeps things like your personal dictionary, templates etc. The second option will reset your entire profile to the state when you first installed Collabora Office.

Symbolen Tips

If you could not resolve your problem by using safe mode, click on Advanced expander. You will find instructions how to get further help there.

Symbolen Tips

If you want to report a problem with your user profile, by clicking on Create Zip Archive from User Profile you can generate a zip file which can be uploaded to the bug tracking system to be investigated by the developers.


Be aware that the uploaded profile might contain sensitive information, such as your personal dictionary, settings and installed extensions.

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