Collabora Office 23.05 Hjälp
Adds numbering or bullets to the current paragraph or to selected paragraphs, and lets you edit format of the numbering or bullets.
Så här använder du det här kommandot...
Choose Format - Bullets and Numbering.
Right-click a paragraph, choose List - Bullets and Numbering.
On Formatting bar, click
Bullets and Numbering
I dialogrutan Punktuppställningstecken finns följande flikar:
Displays different bullet types that you can apply to a list.
Displays different numbering schemes that you can apply.
Displays the different formats that you can apply to a hierarchical list. Collabora Office supports up to nine outline levels in a list hierarchy.
Displays the different graphics that you can use as bullets in an unordered list.
Set indent, spacing, and alignment options for numbering symbols, such as numbers or bullets, to ordered and unordered lists.
Sets the formatting options for ordered or unordered lists. If you want, you can apply formatting to individual levels in the list hierarchy.
Removes the numbering or bullets from the current paragraph or from the selected paragraphs.
Återställer ändringar i den nuvarande fliken till hur det var när dialogrutan öppnades. Du får ingen bekräftelse när du stänger dialogrutan.
Närliggande ämnen
Stänga av punktuppställningstecken för enskilda stycken
Automatisk punktuppställning/numrering
Numbering and Paragraph Styles
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