Collabora Office 24.04 Hjälp
This menu contains general commands for working with Draw documents, such as create, open, close and print. To close Collabora Office Draw, click Exit.
Opens a local or remote file, or inserts text from a file. Opening multiple files is possible.
En lista över de senast öppnade filerna. Om du vill öppna en fil i listan klickar du på namnet.
Använd för att ordna och redigera mallar, samt för att spara den aktuella filen som en mall.
Saves the current document in a different location, or with a different file name or file type.
Saves and organizes multiple versions of the current document in the same file. You can also open, delete and compare previous versions.
Saves the current file to Portable Document Format (PDF) version 1.4. A PDF file can be viewed and printed on any platform with the original formatting intact, provided that supporting software is installed.
Visar den aktuella filens egenskaper, inklusive statistik som antalet ord och det datum filen skapades.
Lägger till och tar bort digitala signaturer till dina dokument. Du kan också visa certifikat i den.
Skapar en temporär kopia av aktuellt dokument i HTML-format, öppnar systemets standardwebbläsare och visar HTML-filen i webbläsaren.
Prints the current document, selection, or the pages that you specify. You can also set the print options for the current document. The printing options can vary according to the printer and the operating system that you use.
Closes all Collabora Office programs and prompts you to save your changes. This command does not exist on macOS systems.