Collabora Office 24.04 Hjälp
The Insert menu contains commands for inserting new elements, such as images, text boxes, object, media, cell names and much more into the current sheet.
Inserts an embedded or linked object into your document, including formulas, QR codes, and OLE objects.
Undermenyn innehåller vanliga former som linje, cirkel, triangel, och fyrkant eller emoji- och andra symboler som kan infogas i dokumentet.
Inserts a defined named cell range at the current cursor's position with the Paste Names dialog.
Draws a text box with horizontal text direction where you drag in the current document. Drag a text box to the size you want anywhere in the document, and then type or paste your text. Rotate the text box to get rotated text.
Inserts a comment around the selected text, presentation slide, drawing page or at the current spreadsheet cursor position.
Opens the Fontwork dialog from which you can insert styled text not possible through standard font formatting into your document.
Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.
Opens a submenu to insert special formatting marks like no-break space, soft hyphen, and zero-width space.
Undermenyn innehåller formulärkontroll som textruta, bockruta, inställningsknapp, och listruta som kan infogas i dokumentet.