Collabora Office 24.04 Hjälp
Ange sorteringsalternativ för det markerade området.
Se till att alla rad- och kolumnrubriker ingår i markeringen.
Välj den kolumn du vill använda som primär sorteringsnyckel.
Sorts the selection from the lowest value to the highest value. The sorting rules are given by the locale. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on Collabora Office - PreferencesTools - Options - Languages and Locales - General.
Sorts the selection from the highest value to the lowest value. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on Collabora Office - PreferencesTools - Options - Languages and Locales - General.
Välj den kolumn du vill använda som sekundär sorteringsnyckel.
Sorts the selection from the lowest value to the highest value. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on Collabora Office - PreferencesTools - Options - Languages and Locales - General.
Sorts the selection from the highest value to the lowest value. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on Collabora Office - PreferencesTools - Options - Languages and Locales - General.
Sorts the selection from the highest to the lowest value, or from the lowest to the highest value. Number fields are sorted by size and text fields by the order of the characters. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on Collabora Office - PreferencesTools - Options - Languages and Locales - General.
Ikoner på verktygsraden Standard