Working with Forms

Using forms, you can define how to present the data. Open a text document or a spreadsheet and insert the controls such as push buttons and list boxes. In the properties dialogs of the controls, you can define what data the forms should display.

Creating a New Form With the Form Wizard

In Collabora Office, you can create a new form using the Form Wizard:

  1. Open the database file where you want to create the new form.

  2. In the left pane of the database window, click the Forms icon.

  3. Click Use Wizard to Create Form.

Gabim gjatë krijimit të formularit

  1. Open the database file where you want to create the new form.

  2. In the left pane of the database window, click the Forms icon.

  3. Click Create Form in Design View.

A new text document opens. Use the Form Controls to insert form controls.

Note Icon

Click the Forms icon to access all forms that were created from within the current database window. In addition, you can use the Form Controls icons to add database form controls to any Writer or Calc document, but these documents will not be listed in the database window.

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