Address Data Source

This wizard registers an existing address book as a data source in Collabora Office.

To access this command...

Menu File - Wizards - Address Data Source.

You can register address data and other data sources in Collabora Office at any time:

Registering an Address Book

Ju lutem përzgjidhni llojin e librit të adresave të jashtme:

Not all types are available on all systems.


Select this option if you already use an address book in Thunderbird or Icedove.

Burimi i Regjistrit të adresave...

Select this option if you already use an address book in KDE Address book.

macOS Address book

Select this option if you already use an address book in macOS Address book.


Select this option if you already use an address book in Evolution.

Të dhëna të adresave LDAP

Select this option if you already use an address book in Evolution LDAP.


Select this option if you already use an address book in Groupwise.

Burime tjera të jashtme të të dhënave

Select this option if you want to register another data source as address book in Collabora Office.


Exits the wizard without implementing any changes.


Allows you to view the selections that you made on the previous steps. The current settings will be saved.

I ardhshmi

Saves the current settings and continues to the next page.


Establishes the connection to the data source and closes the dialog.

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