Collabora Office 24.04 Help
Returns a value that specifies the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight.
You must first declare a variable to call the Timer function and assign it the "Long " data type, otherwise a Date value is returned.
Sub ExampleTimer
Dim lSec As Long,lMin As Long,lHour As Long
lSec = Timer
MsgBox lSec, 0, "Seconds since midnight"
lMin = lSec / 60
lSec = lSec Mod 60
lHour = lMin / 60
lMin = lMin Mod 60
MsgBox Right("00" & lHour , 2) & ":"& Right("00" & lMin , 2) & ":" & Right("00" & lSec , 2), 0, "The time is"
End Sub
The Timer function measures time in seconds. To measure time in milliseconds use the Timer service available in the ScriptForge library.