OLE Object Bar

The OLE Object bar appears when objects are selected, and contains the most important functions for formatting and positioning objects.

Set Paragraph Style

Assigns a style to the current paragraph, selected paragraphs, or to a selected object.

Set Paragraph Style

Set Paragraph Style

Bez obtekania

Umiestni objekt na samostatný riadok v dokumente. Text v dokumente sa zobrazuje nad a pod objektom, ale nie po jeho stranách.Toto nastavenie si môžete vybrať v záložke Obtekanie.

Wrap Off Icon

Vypnúť obtekanie


Text bude obtekať po všetkých štyroch stranách objektu.Táto ikona predstavuje voľbu Obtekanie stránky v záložke Obtekanie.

Wrap On Icon

Zapnúť obtekanie

Obtekať cez

Objekt bude umiestnený v popredí pred textom.Toto nastavenie si môžete vybrať aj v záložke Obtekanie.

Wrap Through Icon

Obtekať cez


Aligns the left edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the left edge of the object is aligned to the left page margin.

Icon Left



Horizontally centers the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the center of the object is aligned to the horizontal center of the page.

Icon Centered

Na stred


Aligns the right edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Impress or Draw, the right edge of the object is aligned to the right page margin.

Icon Right



Vertically aligns the top edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the top edge of the object is aligned to the upper page margin.

Icon Top


Align Vertical Center

Vertically centers the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the center of the object is aligned to the vertical center of the page.

Icon Centered

Na stred


Vertically aligns the bottom edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the bottom edge of the object is aligned to the lower page margin.

Icon Bottom



Click the Borders icon to open the Borders toolbar, where you can modify the border of a sheet area or an object.

Icon Borders


Zo súboru

Click this icon to open the Line Style toolbar, where you can modify the border line style.

Icon Line style

Štýl čiary


Click the Line Color (of the border) icon to open the Border Color toolbar, which enables you to change the border color of an object.


Farba čiary (okrajov)

Vlastnosti objektu

Opens a dialog where you can modify the properties of the selected object, for example, its size and name.

Icon Object Properties

Vlastnosti objektu


Moves the selected object to the top of the stacking order, so that it is in front of other objects.

Icon Bring to Front

Preniesť do popredia

Štandardný panel

Moves the selected object to the bottom of the stacking order, so that it is behind the other objects.

Icon Send to Back

Preniesť dozadu


Allows you to switch between anchoring options.

Icon Anchor


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