The submenu lists the most common field types that can be inserted into a document at the current cursor position. To view all of the available fields, choose More Fields.
Pre prístup k tomuto príkazu...
From the menu bar:
Choose Insert - Field
From the context menu:
Open context menu - choose Edit Field (inserted fields)
From the tabbed interface:
Choose Insert - Fields.
Choose Reference - Field.
On the References menu of the References tab, choose Field.
Vloží aktuálny čas ako pole. Čas sa určí podľa nastavenia operačného systému. Použije sa nemenný formát času, ktorý sa po stlačení klávesy F9 neaktualizuje.
Inserts the name of the person who created the document here as a field. The field applies the entry made under Collabora Office - PreferencesTools - Options - Collabora Office - User data.