Collabora Office 24.04 Help
Defines settings for your slide show, including how to display it, which slide to start from, the way you advance the slides, and whether you want to use the presenter console or control it remotely.
UrÄŤĂ, ktorĂ© snĂmky budĂş zaradenĂ© do prezentácie.
Zahrnie všetky snĂmky v prezentácii.
Zadajte ÄŤĂslo prvĂ©ho snĂmku.
SpustĂ vlastnĂş prezentáciu, v poradĂ, ktorĂ© ste zadali v nastavenĂ Prezentácia - Vlastná prezentácia.
Vyberte druh prezentácie.
SnĂmka je zobrazenĂ˝ na celĂş obrazovku.
Prezentácia je spustená v okne programu Collabora Office.
Znovu spustĂ prezentáciu po zadanom intervale pauzy. Medzi poÄŤiatoÄŤnĂ˝m a koncovĂ˝m snĂmkam je zobrazenĂ˝ snĂmok pauzy. StlaÄŤte klávesu Esc pre pozastavenie prezentácie.
Zadajte interval pauzy pre prezentáciu pokiaÄľ sa prezentácia opäť spustĂ. PokiaÄľ zadáte nulu prezentácia sa spustĂ okamĹľite, bez zobrazenia snĂmku pauzy.
Zobrazà Collabora Office logo pri pauze. Logo sa nedá zmeniť.
PokiaÄľ je zaškrtnutĂ© toto polĂÄŤko, snĂmky sa nebudĂş posĂşvaĹĄ automaticky.
Presunie sa na ÄŹalšiu snĂmku, pokiaÄľ kliknete na pozadie snĂmku.
Viditeľný kurzor myši počas prezentácie.
ZmenĂ kurzor myši na pero, s ktorĂ˝m mĂ´Ĺľete kresliĹĄ na snĂmky poÄŤas prezentácie.
Anything you write with the pen will appear in your slides after exiting the slideshow. The properties of the pen can be changed by choosing the Pen Width or Change pen Color command in the context menu of the running slide show.
V priebehu premietania zobraz všetky snĂmky animovanĂ˝ch sĂşborov GIF . PokiaÄľ nie je táto moĹľnosĹĄ zvolená, bude zobrazenĂ˝ iba prvĂ˝ snĂmok animovanĂ©ho GIF sĂşboru.
Okno Collabora Office sa počas prezentácie bude zobrazovať nad ostatnými oknami. Počas prezentácie sa žiadny iný program nezobrazà pred prezentáciou.
By default the primary display is used for slide show mode. If the current desktop is displayed on more than one display, you can select which display to use for full screen slide show mode. If the current desktop spans only one display, or if the multi display feature is not supported on the current system, you cannot select another display.
These settings are saved in the user configuration and not inside the document.
Vyberte displej, ktorý sa má použiť v režime prezentácie na celú obrazovku.
If the system allows the user to span a window over all available displays, you can also select "All displays". In this case the presentation is spanned over all available displays.
The Presenter console provides extra controls and tools useful to the presenter. You can choose to use it in windowed or full screen mode, or disable it entirely.
The navigation bar allows the presenter to control the presentation with buttons at the bottom left of the screen, either with the mouse pointer or directly on display if a touch screen is used.
Specifies that you want to enable Bluetooth remote control while Impress is running. Unmark Enable remote control to disable remote controlling.
A link directs you to the available options to install the application on your device.