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From the menu bar:

Choose Tools.


Checks spelling manually.

Automatic Spell Checking

Automatically checks spelling as you type, and underlines errors.


Otvorí dialógové okno na nahradenie aktuálneho slova synonymom alebo súvisiacim výrazom.


Opens a submenu where you can choose language specific commands.


Redacting documents blocks out words or portions of a document for authorized use or viewing.


Use automatic redaction to define words and patterns that are automatically marked for redaction.

ImageMap Editor

Umožňuje pripojiť URL adresy ku konkrétnym oblastiam, ktoré sa nazývajú aktívne oblasti, ku grafike alebo skupine grafík. Obrázková mapa je skupina jednej alebo viacerých aktívnych oblastí.


Lets you record or organize and edit macros.

Development Tools

Inspects objects in Collabora Office documents and shows supported UNO services, as well as available methods, properties and implemented interfaces.


Opens the XML Filter Settings dialog, where you can create, edit, delete, and test filters to import and to export XML files.

Správca rozšírení

V správcovi rozšírení možno pridávať, odstraňovať, zakazovať, povoľovať a aktualizovať rozšírenia Collabora Office.


Customizes Collabora Office menus, context menus, shortcut keys, toolbars, and macro assignments to events.


This command opens a dialog for a customized program configuration.

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