Combo Box Wizard: Database Field

With the combination fields, you can either save the value of a field in a database or display this value in a form.

The user values entered in the combination field or selected in the list can be saved in the database table that is accessed in the form. Note that the saving of values in another table is not possible. If the values are not to be saved in a database, they will be saved only in the form. This is especially helpful in HTML forms, where the user's entered or selected values are to be assigned to a server.

Pre prístup k tomuto príkazu...

Open Form Controls toolbar, click Combo Box icon and drag mouse to generate field. Database connection must exist in the form: Wizard - Page 3.

Chcete uložiť hodnotu v poli databázy?

Two options are available for this question:

Yes, I want to save it in the following database field

Specifies whether the user's entered or selected combination field value should be saved in a database field. Several database table fields are offered which can be accessed in the current form.

In Control - Properties the selected field appears as an entry in the Data tab page under Data field.

List field

Specifies the data field where the combination field value should be saved.

No, I only want to save the value in the form

Specifies that the value of this combination field will not be written in the database and will only be saved in the form.

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