Zoznam použitej literatúry

Vkladanie, odstraňovanie, úprava a správa záznamov v databáze použitej literatúry.

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Choose Tools - Bibliography Database.


If the fields in your database are read-only, ensure that the data source view is closed.

The supplied bibliography database contains sample records of books.

Use the toolbar to select a table in the bibliography database, to search for records, or to sort the records using filters.

Inserting a New Record

To create a record, click the asterisk (*) button at the bottom of the table view. An empty row is added at the end of the table.

Finding and Filtering Records

You can search for records by matching a keyword to a field entry.

Entering Search key

Type the information that you want to search for, and then press Enter. To change the filter options for the search, long-click the AutoFilter icon, and then select a different data field. You can use wildcards such as % or * for any number of characters, and _ or ? for one character in your search. To display all of the records in the table, clear this box, and then press Enter.

Automatický filter

Long-click to select the data field that you want to search using the term that you entered in the Search Key box. You can only search one data field.

The list of table records is automatically updated to match the new filter settings.

Use the Standard Filter to refine and to combine AutoFilter search options.

Collabora Office saves the current filter settings for the next time that you open this dialog.

To display all of the records in a table, click the Reset Filter icon.

Deleting a Record

Ak chcete vymazať záznam v aktuálnej tabuľke, kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na záhlavie riadku záznamu a potom vyberte Odstrániť.

Changing the data source

Zdroj dát

Select the data source for the bibliography database.

Usporiadanie stĺpcov

Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a different data source for your bibliography, click the Data Source button on the record's Object bar.

Select the data field that you want to map to the current Column name. To change the available data fields, select a different data source for your bibliography.

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