Collabora Office 24.04 Help
Pomocou filtrov je možné v tabuľke sprievodca dátami odstrániť nepotrebné údaje.
Pre vyvolanie dialógu pre filtračné podmienky kliknite v dokumente na tlačidlo Filtrovať. Je možné tiež vyvolať kontextové menu tabuľky sprievodcu dátami a vybrať príkaz Filtrovať. Objaví sa dialóg Filtrovať. Tu môžete filtrovať tabuľku sprievodcu dátami.
You can also click the arrow on a button in the pivot table to show a pop-up window. In this pop-up window, you can edit the visibility settings of the associated field.
The pop-up window displays a list of field members associated with that field. A check box is placed to the left of each field member name. When a field has an alternative display name that differs from its original name, that name is displayed in the list.
Enable or disable a checkbox to show or hide the associated field member in the pivot table.
Zaškrtnutím poľa Odkaz na súbor vložíte súbor ako odkaz.
Select a field member in the pop-up window and click the
button to show only the selected field member. All other field members are hidden in the pivot table.Select a field member in the pop-up window and click the
button to hide only the selected field member. All other field members are shown in the pivot table.Commands enable you to sort the field members in ascending order, descending order, or using a custom sort list.
Pre zmenu merných jednotiek používaných v tomto dialógovom okne zvoľte Collabora Office - MožnostiNástroje - Možnosti - Collabora Office Writer - Všeobecné, a vyberte novú mernú jednotku v časti Nastavenia.
The arrow to open the pop-up window is normally black. When the field contains one or more hidden field members, the arrow is blue and displays a tiny square at its lower-right corner.
Vyberte všetok text, ktorý leží mimo viditeľnú oblasť snímky a stlačte CommandCtrl+X.