Collabora Office 24.04 Help
Otvorí dialógové okno Riešiteľ. Riešiteľ vám umožňuje vyriešiť matematické úlohy s viacerými neznámymi premennými a súborom obmedzení na premenné metódami hľadania cieľov.
Vložte alebo kliknite na bunkový odkaz cieľovej bunky. Toto pole vráti adresu bunky, ktorej hodnota bude optimalizovaná.
Maximum: Try to solve the equation for a maximum value of the target cell.
Minimum: Try to solve the equation for a minimum value of the target cell.
Value of: Try to solve the equation to approach a given value of the target cell.
Enter the value or a cell reference in the text field.
Vložte oblasť buniek, ktorá má byť zmenená. To sú premenné rovníc.
Add the set of constraints for the mathematical problem. Each constraint is represented by a cell reference (a variable), an operator, and a value.
Cell reference: Enter a cell reference of the variable.
Click the Shrink button to shrink or restore the dialog. You can click or select cells in the sheet. You can enter a cell reference manually in the input box.
Operator: Select an operator from the list. Use Binary operator to restrict your variable to 0 or 1. Use the Integer operator to restrict your variable to take only integer values (no decimal part).
Value: Enter a value or a cell reference. This field is ignored when the operator is Binary or Integer.
Remove button: Click to remove the row from the list. Any rows from below this row move up.
You can set multiple conditions for a variable. For example, a variable in cell A1 that must be an integer less than 10. In that case, set two limiting conditions for A1.
Opens the Solver Options dialog.
The Solver Options dialog let you select the different solver algorithms for either linear and non-linear problems and set their solving parameters.
Click to solve the problem with the current settings. The dialog settings are retained until you close the current document.
Cieľom postupu Riešiteľa je nájsť také premenné rovnice, že ich výsledok je optimálna hodnota v cieľovej bunke často pomenované "objective". Môžete zvoliť, či hodnota v cieľovej bunke má byť maximálna, minimálna alebo približná danej hodnote.
Počiatočné hodnoty premenných sú vložené do obdĺžnikovej oblasti buniek, ktorú vložíte do poľa Zmenou buniek
Môžete definovať sériu obmedzujúcich podmienok, ktoré nastavia obmedzenia pre určité bunky. Napríklad môžete nastaviť obmedzenie, že jedna z premenných alebo buniek musí byť väčšia ako iná premenná alebo nesmie byť väčšia ako zvolená hodnota. Môžete tiež definovať obmedzenie, že jedna alebo viac premenných musia byť celé alebo binárne čísla (binárne číslo obsahuje iba 1 a 0).
Regardless whether you use DEPS or SCO, you start by going to parameters.
and set the Cell to be optimized, the direction to go (minimization, maximization) and the cells to be modified to reach the goal. Then you go to the Options and specify the solver to be used and if necessary adjust the accordingThere is also a list of constraints you can use to restrict the possible range of solutions or to penalize certain conditions. However, in case of the evolutionary solvers DEPS and SCO, these constraints are also used to specify bounds on the variables of the problem. Due to the random nature of the algorithms, it is highly recommended to do so and give upper (and in case "Assume Non-Negative Variables" is turned off also lower) bounds for all variables. They don't have to be near the actual solution (which is probably unknown) but should give a rough indication of the expected size (0 ≤ var ≤ 1 or maybe -1000000 ≤ var ≤ 1000000).
Bounds are specified by selecting one or more variables (as range) on the left side and entering a numerical value (not a cell or a formula) on the right side. That way you can also choose one or more variables to be Integer or Binary only.