
Calculates subtotals for the columns that you select. Collabora Office uses the SUM function to automatically calculate the subtotal and grand total values in a labeled range. You can also use other functions to perform the calculation. Collabora Office automatically recognizes a defined database area when you place the cursor in it.

Pre prístup k tomuto príkazu...

Choose Data - Subtotals.

For example, you can generate a sales summary for a certain postal code based on data from a client database.

1st, 2nd, 3rd Group

Zadajte nastavenia až pre tri skupiny medzisúčty. Každá karta má rovnaké rozloženie.


Zadajte nastavenia pre výpočet a prezentáciu medzisúčtov.


Obnoví zmeny vykonané na aktuálnej záložke na stav pri otvorení tohto dialógového okna.


Deletes the subtotal rows in the selected area.

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