Page Style

Opens a dialog where you can define the appearance of all pages in your document.

Pre prístup k tomuto príkazu...

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Page Style.

From the context menu:

Choose Page Style.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Layout tab, choose Page Margins or Page Size or Page Columns and click on More Options.

On the Layout menu of the Layout tab, choose Page Style.

From toolbars:

Icon Page Style

Page Style

From the keyboard:

+ Shift + P

From the status bar:

Click on the Page Style area.

From the sidebar:

Choose View - Styles () - choose Page Styles - open context menu for selected style - New/Edit Style.


Set the options for the selected style.

Allows you to define page layouts for single and multiple-page documents, as well as a numbering and paper formats.


Sets the border options for the selected objects in Writer or Calc.

Area (Background, Highlighting)

Nastavte možnosti výplne pre vybraný grafický objekt alebo prvok dokumentu.


Adds a header to the current page style. A header is an area in the top page margin, where you can add text or graphics.


Adds a footer to the current page style. A footer is an area in the bottom page margin, where you can add text or graphics.


Určuje prvky, ktoré sa majú zahrnúť do tlače všetkých hárkov s aktuálnym štýlom strany. Ďalej môžete nastaviť poradie tlače, číslo prvej strany a mierku strany.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened. A confirmation query does not appear when you close the dialog.

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