Collabora Office 24.04 Help
Panel Makro obsahuje príkazy na vytváranie, úpravu a spúšťanie makier.
Vyberte knižnicu, ktorú chcete upraviť. Prvý modul zvolenej knižnice bude zobrazení v prostredí Basic IDE.
Kompiluje makro v jazyku basic. Makro musíme kompilovať vždy, po vykonaní zmien, alebo keď používa jednoduché i procedurálne kroky.
Kliknutím na túto ikonku môžete sledovať premennú v makre. Obsah premennej sa zobrazí v samostatnom okne.
Zvýraznený text je uzavretý v dvoch odpovedajúcich zátvorkách. Umiestnite textový kurzor pred otváraciu alebo uzatváraciu zátvorku, a potom kliknite na túto ikonku.
Calls an "Open" dialog to import a BASIC dialog file.
If the imported dialog has a name that already exists in the library, you see a message box where you can decide to rename the imported dialog. In this case the dialog will be renamed to the next free "automatic" name like when creating a new dialog. Or you can replace the existing dialog by the imported dialog. If you click Cancel the dialog is not imported.
Dialogs can contain localization data. When importing a dialog, a mismatch of the dialogs' localization status can occur.
If the library contains additional languages compared to the imported dialog, or if the imported dialog is not localized at all, then the additional languages will silently be added to the imported dialog using the strings of the dialog's default locale.
If the imported dialog contains additional languages compared to the library, or if the library is not localized at all, then you see a message box with Add, Omit, and Cancel buttons.
Add: The additional languages from the imported dialog will be added to the already existing dialog. The resources from the library's default language will be used for the new languages. This is the same as if you add these languages manually.
Omit: The library's language settings will stay unchanged. The imported dialog's resources for the omitted languages are not copied into the library, but they remain in the imported dialog's source files.
In the dialog editor, this command calls a "Save as" dialog to export the current BASIC dialog.