Collabora Office 24.04 Help
The following statements and functions are for working with variables. You can use these functions to declare or define variables, convert variables from one type to another, or determine the variable type.
Converts a string expression or numeric expression to a currency expression. The locale settings are used for decimal separators and currency symbols.
Converts an expression or a set of expressions into a boolean. An expression is composed of strings, numbers and operators. Comparison, logical or mathematical operators are allowed inside expressions.
If no type-declaration character or keyword is specified, the DefBool statement sets the default data type for variables, according to a letter range.
If no type-declaration character or keyword is specified, the DefCur statement sets the default variable type, according to a letter range.
If no type-declaration character or keyword is specified, the DefDate statement sets the default variable type, according to a letter range.
Sets the default variable type, according to a letter range, if no type-declaration character or keyword is specified.
If no type-declaration character or keyword is specified, the DefErr statement sets the default variable type, according to a letter range.
Sets the default variable type, according to a letter range, if no type-declaration character or keyword is specified.
Sets the default variable type, according to a letter range, if no type-declaration character or keyword is specified.
Sets the default variable type, according to a letter range, if no type-declaration character or keyword is specified.
If no type-declaration character or keyword is specified, the DefSng statement sets the default variable type, according to a letter range.
If no type-declaration character or keyword is specified, the DefStr statement sets the default variable type, according to a letter range.
Sets the default variable type, according to a letter range, if no type-declaration character or keyword is specified.
Tests if a Variant variable contains the Empty value. The Empty value indicates that the variable is not initialized.
Tests if a Variant contains the special Null value, indicating that the variable does not contain data.
Testuje, či je výraz číslo. Ak je výraz číslo, funkcia vráti True, inak vráti False.
Tests if a variable is an object, as opposed to primitive data types such as dates, numbers, texts. The function returns True if the variable is an object, otherwise it returns False.
Vymaže obsah elementov polí s pevnou veľkosťou a uvoľňuje pamäť využívanú poľami s dynamickou veľkosťou.
Určuje, že je potrebné každú premennú v programe explicitne deklarovať príkazom Dim.
Deklaruje premennú na úrovni modulu (t.j. nie do procedúry alebo funkcie), takže je prístupná vo všetkých knižniciach a moduloch.
Deklaruje premennú na globálnej úrovni (t.j. nie v procedúre alebo funkcii), takže je prístupná vo všetkých knižniciach a moduloch aktuálnej relácie.
Deklaruje premennú na úrovni podprogramu v rámci procedúry alebo funkcie, takže hodnota premennej je platná i po ukončení procedúry či funkcie. Tiež platí konvencia príkazu Dim.
Returns text or a numeric value that contain type information for a variable.
Umožňuje adresovať objekty za behu programu ako parametre typu string použitím názvu objektu.
Umožňuje adresovať objekty za behu programu ako parametre typu string použitím názvu objektu.
Returns True if the two specified Basic variables represent the same Uno object instance.