
Specifies print settings within a drawing or presentation document.

Доступ к этой команде

Откройте документ презентации, выберите - Collabora Office Impress/Collabora Office Draw - Печать.

Impress Print Options Dialog


Определяет дополнительные элементы, которые требуется напечатать на полях страницы.

Имя страницы

Specifies whether to print the page name.


Specifies whether to print the current date.


Specifies whether to print the current time.

Скрытые страницы

Specifies whether to print the pages that are currently hidden from the presentation.


See also Printing in Black and White.


Specifies that you want to print in original colors.

Оттенки серого

Specifies that you want to print colors as grayscale.


Specifies that you want to print the document in black and white.

Параметры страницы

Определите дополнительные параметры для печати страниц.


Specifies that you do not want to further scale pages when printing.

По размеру страницы

Specifies whether to scale down objects that are beyond the margins of the current printer, so that they fit on the paper in the printer.

Несколько страниц на листе

Specifies that pages are to be printed in tiled format. If the pages or slides are smaller than the paper, several pages or slides will be printed on one page of paper.


Select the Brochure option to print the document in brochure format. You can also decide if you want to print the front, the back or both sides of the brochure.

Лицевая сторона

Select Front to print the front of a brochure.


Select Back to print the back of a brochure.

Подача бумаги в соответствии с параметрами принтера

Determines that the paper tray to be used is the one defined in the printer setup.

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