
Specifies general settings for text documents.

Доступ к этой команде

Откройте текстовый документ, выберите - Collabora Office Writer - Общие.


Обновлять ссылки при загрузке


Settings for automatic links updates stored in documents are ignored for security reasons. Link updates are always bounded by Collabora Office Security settings in - Collabora Office – Security.


Always updates links while loading a document, and only if the document is in a trusted file location or the global security level is Low (Not recommended).


This setting is treated as On request unless either the global macro security level is set to Low in - Collabora Office - Security - Macro Security... - Security Level - Low (not recommended) or the document is located in a trusted place defined by - Collabora Office - Security - Macro Security... - Trusted Sources - Trusted File Locations.

По требованию

Updates links only on request while loading a document.


Links are never updated while loading a document.



The contents of all fields are updated automatically whenever the screen contents are displayed as new. Even with this box unchecked, some fields are updated each time a special condition takes place. The following table lists the fields that are updated without regard to this checkbox.


Автоматически обновляемые поля

Печать документа (а также экспорт в PDF)

Author, Sender, Heading, Date, Time, References, Last printed

Перезагрузка документа

Author, Sender, Heading, Date, Time

Сохранение документа

"Имя файла", "Статистика", "Номер документа", "Время редактирования", "Изменён"

Редактирование строки текста, включающей поле

Author, Sender, Heading, Date, Time

Изменение переменной вручную

"Условный текст", "Скрытый текст", "Скрытый абзац", "Переменные", "Поле DDE"

Отключение "заданного содержимого"

"Автор", "Отправитель", все поля сведений о документе

Изменение количества страниц



Specifies whether to automatically update charts. Whenever a Writer table cell value changes and the cursor leaves that cell, the chart that displays the cell value is updated automatically.


Единица измерения

Specifies the unit of measurement for text documents.


Specifies the spacing between the individual tab stops. The horizontal ruler displays the selected spacing.

Включить единицу измерения «символ»

When this setting is enabled, the measurement units of indents and spacing on Format - Paragraph - Indents & Spacing tab will be character (ch) and line.

Use square page mode for text grid

When this setting is enabled, the text grid will look like square page. Square page is a kind of page layout which is used to train students to write articles in China and Japan.

Подсчёт слов

Другие разделители

Specifies the characters that are considered as word separators when counting words, in addition to spaces, tabs and line and paragraph breaks.

Показывать кол-во стандартных страниц

Editors and publishers often define a “standard” page as containing a specified number of characters or words. Mark this field to allow quick calculation of the number of these pages.

Символов на стандартной странице

Set the number of characters for the standardized page.

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